
Haimen Senda Holds the 2023 Marketing Semiannual Meeting


On July 8th, the semi annual marketing conference of Haimen Senda was held at the Nantong headquarters. 41 members of the leadership team, including Tang Huajun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Jinlun, Gao Yu, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager, Huang Chunhui, General Manager of Haimen Senda, and heads of marketing departments, relevant functional department heads, and sales personnel, attended the meeting.

In the past six months, Haimen Senda has actively implemented the strategic deployment and requirements of "overseas, high-end, and new fields" proposed by Jinlun, a product company. The marketing team has strengthened the development of overseas and high-end markets. In the unfavorable external environment of continuous market downturn, increasingly fierce competition, and fluctuating stainless steel market, through the hard work of all employees, sales have increased year-on-year, laying a solid foundation for achieving annual goals.


At the meeting, Tang Huajun organized the study and interpretation of the sixteen character standards for creating a world-class enterprise (product excellence, brand excellence, innovation leadership, and modern governance), clarifying the direction of high-quality development for the enterprise; Conveyed the guiding spirit of the Property Zhongda Group regarding the three integrations; Reviewed the semi annual marketing performance of the stainless steel sector, while affirming the achievements, it also requires in-depth analysis, improvement, and implementation of existing problems; It is required that the marketing department must strengthen internal control management, and all marketing personnel must stick to the red line and bottom line. He put forward requirements for the work in the second half of the year from six aspects: "brand value, model innovation, integration of trade and industry, internal and external integration, performance being the king, and priority being given to important matters". The big household must focus on important matters, concentrate resources, go all out, and ensure the achievement of the annual set goals!


Gao Yu explained "strategic formulation and adjustment, path implementation, ideological unity, co creation, co sharing, and sharing" from the perspective of the three dimensions of "favorable timing, location, and human harmony". Explained the economic concept of "value, price, and consumer surplus" based on practice, and analyzed it with practical business cases, providing guidance on how to do a good job in value and price management; Encourage everyone to share platform advantages, connect up and down, collaborate left and right, communicate internally and externally, unite and unite, integrate operations, and strive for victory together!


Huang Chunhui reviewed and reviewed the overall performance of marketing in the first half of 2023, as well as the highlights and shortcomings in marketing work. He introduced the macro, industry, and market changes, and deployed the performance goals for the second half of the year and key tasks to achieve them.

Spring is fleeting, chasing dreams is endless, summer has arrived, just struggle! The convening of this semi-annual marketing analysis and business seminar has sounded the horn of battle for the production and operation work of Haimen Senda in the second half of the year, boosted morale, and all Senda people must have firm confidence, unity of purpose, and strive bravely to ensure the achievement of the annual goals!