
Trade union turnover and collusion for development


On the afternoon of April 29th, the third Workers' Representative Conference and the third Labor Union Committee Election Conference of Nantong Haimen Senda Decoration Materials Co., Ltd. were successfully held. Huang Chunhui, Secretary of the Second Joint Branch and General Manager, attended the meeting, with 34 employee representatives and 6 specially invited representatives including General Manager Assistant Liang Jun and R&D Director Zhang Zifeng; Jiang Shicong, Deputy Secretary of the Second Joint Branch and Assistant General Manager, presided over the meeting.

01 play the national anthem


The conference kicked off with the solemn sound of the national anthem

02 Trade Union Work Report


Yuan Xingwei, Chairman of the Second Trade Union Committee, Delivers a Report on Trade Union Work

03 administrative report


General Manager Comrade Huang Chunhui Delivers an Administrative Work Report

04 Group discussion among member representatives


05 Voting elections


The conference reviewed and passed the "Election Measures for the Third Trade Union Members of Nantong Haimen Senda Decoration Materials Co., Ltd." and the "List of Voting Supervision and Counting Staff for the Third Trade Union Committee Election of Nantong Haimen Senda Decoration Materials Co., Ltd.". The conference elected 7 members of the Third Trade Union Committee, 3 members of the Funds Review Committee, 3 members of the Women Workers' Committee, as well as the Chairman of the Funds Review Committee and the Chairman of the Women Workers' Committee, in a fair, fair and open manner through secret ballot. Subsequently, the first meeting of the third trade union committee was held, and a new chairman of the trade union committee was elected.

06 Speech by the union chairman


The newly elected chairman of the trade union, Jiang Shicong, would like to express his gratitude to all representatives and members for their support and trust; We will lead the new labor union team to conscientiously fulfill their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the rights and obligations granted by the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China and the Constitution of the Chinese Trade Union, maximize the functions of the labor union, and strive to create a labor union organization team that seeks the interests of employees and solves difficulties for the company, building the labor union into a home for employees with strong work and warm service!

07 Reply to employee representative proposal


The general manager responded to the employee representative proposals one by one

08 General Manager Summary


  Comrade Huang Chunhui, Secretary of the Second Joint Branch and General Manager of the Company, made a concluding speech, fully affirming the contributions made by the previous trade union; Congratulations to the smooth convening of this conference and the new trade union committee. Three expectations have been put forward for the development of the new trade union work: firstly, to closely connect with reality, enhance service awareness, based on their own work, and effectively fulfill the mission of being loyal to the Party and serving employees wholeheartedly. The second is to continuously strengthen the construction of trade unions themselves and their organizational teams, combine trade union work with party building work and spiritual civilization creation work, fully leverage the central advantages, and actively carry out various distinctive and bright cultural and sports activities. The third is to fully leverage the role of trade union organizations as a bridge and link, effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, widely listen to reasonable suggestions from employees, care about their suffering, listen to their voices, actively and enthusiastically do good things, practical things, and solve difficulties for employees, and strive to build the trade union into a "home of employees" trusted by employees!

  The company is in a critical period of strategic transformation towards high-end, overseas, and new fields. Comrade Huang Chunhui calls on all employee representatives to fully play the leading role of advanced models while doing their job well, unite and lead colleagues around to roll up their sleeves and work hard to achieve the company's business goals!
